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What is this Social Media thing anyway?

The term “Social Media” has been around for a few years now, and most people have heard the term on the news and around the water cooler. Many people associate it with facebook but don’t really know why.

When you split the term up and look at each word you might find that it makes more sense.

Being social requires more than one person. It is two or more people interacting in some way. It involves conversation, dialogue, and an exchange.

Something that facilitates communication. Somthing that allows the exchange of ideas.

When you put the two together it still might not sit quite right so try flipping the words

“Media Social”
Something that allows communication and the exchange of ideas between two or more people.

That’s it. Simple right?

What all this means is that instead of the Internet being a forum of one sided communication. (Companies build websites and people read them) Social Media creates the opportunity for people to respond to what they read on website and engage in the conversation.

Facebook is an obvious example of a Social Media tool that allows communication between people but there are many more from blogs to you tube to flickr to twitter and even the opportunity to leave a user review on a product at your favorite online store.

Social Media is really where the Internet is going.
How can you give the people that are important to you a place to engage in a conversation?

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